+353 91 429 737


+44 2038 307 780


+33 2 59 60 03 98

Le Havre


Customs Complete

CDS Clearance UK

Are you looking for a Customs Agent to help with CDS Clearance in the UK? Customs Complete was founded to deal with the ongoing Brexit saga and specialises in post-Brexit trade with the UK.

We handle all aspects of the Customs process including Import and Export declarations, niche Customs Clearance, haulage, freight and transportation. We have trained and experienced Agents available 24/7 to help with your CDS Clearance needs in the UK.

CDS Clearance UK

What is CDS Clearance?

CDS (Customs Declaration Service) is the new replacement system for the Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) system that was previously used in the UK for customs clearance. It allows Customs Agents and private individuals to create and manage import and export declarations in the UK. The two systems will run alongside each other whilst companies transition over to the CDS system and CHIEF will continue to handle Export declarations whilst CDS handles the Import Declarations.

Why Hire a Customs Agent for CDS Clearance in the UK?

When transporting goods, or in some cases travelling to the UK, it is now mandatory to submit Customs Declarations to HMRC (Her Majesty´s Revenue and Customs). All relevant VAT, Duty or Excise must be paid to legally import goods. Each product is assigned an international code known as the HS or Commodity code. This details the specific regulations for the goods for each country.

All goods moving internationally between Europe and the rest of the world (including UK) require CDS customs clearance.

Import and Export Customs Declarations detail:

  • The weight
  • Commodity code
  • Value
  • Description of the goods
  • Taxes that have been paid to HMRC.

When unfamiliar with Import and Export procedures, completing the paperwork and paying the correct taxes can be laborious and time consuming. Our highly trained and experienced Customs Agents can handle this process for you – saving you time and money.

Our CDS Clearance UK Agents

  • Our CDS Agents are knowledgeable, efficient and well-trained
  • Highly experienced with the Customs Declaration Service
  • Experts in matters relating to Import and Export documents
  • Able to classify goods and investigate trade tariffs and restrictions.
  • For a more exhaustive list of services click on Customs Complete Services

How Our CDS Clearance Agents Can Help You

The Customs Declaration Service is an online platform controlled by HMRC. It aims to help companies adhere to the new EU and international regulations regarding trade with the UK. To the untrained eye, the CDS system can be confusing as the legislation surrounding each product varies greatly. Errors with CDS clearance in the UK can lead to delays, fines and wasted time.

Customs Complete aims to streamline this whole process for you by working from an invoice and/or packing list. This allows us to create the declarations on your behalf, guaranteeing that the declarations are done correctly. Most importantly, we ensure that all CDS regulations are followed.

We take the pressure off companies and allow them to spend time doing what they do best

Customs Complete operates throughout the entire United Kingdom, Northern Ireland and also the Republic of Ireland. With offices in London and Galway, we are able to offer an exceptional level of service to customers operating within the UK and Ireland.

Contact a Customs Clearance Agent

If you have any questions you can Contact Us on +44 2038 307 780 (UK) or +353 91 429 737 (Ireland).

Alternatively you can email us on info@customscomplete.com or contact us via Social Media below:

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+353 91 429 737



+44 2038 307 780

Le Havre:

+33 2 59 60 03 98